Monolith from beyond time

Monolith from beyond time

Saturday, May 16, 2015

New Psionic powers and rituals

Restore Crystal
Level: Psion 1
Display: Audible
Manifestation Time: One action
Range: Touch
Target: Crystal or construct touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Power Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Power Points: 1

You repair 1d8 points of damage +1 point per manifester
level (up to +5) to any crystal (such as your psicrystal).
Despite the power’s name, this power can also repair any
Crystal construct (including an astral construct). You can’t restore a
crystal or object that is already completely destroyed.

Augment: You can scale the restorative ability of this
power, providing an additional 1d8 points of repair per 1
additional power point spent when manifesting this power
(up to 6d8).

Level: Psion 2
Display: Visual (see text)
Manifestation Time: One action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level or until discharged
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Power Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Power Points: 3
The target’s outer skin takes on the
rough strength of wood, which grants the target a damage
reduction of 5/+1. Once the power has prevented a total of 5
points of damage per manifester level (maximum 45 points),
it is discharged.
 A side effect of the woody skin grants the target electricity
resistance 5.

Augment: For every 5 additional power points spent the required
Enhancement number to bypass the damage reduction increases
By 1 (up to +5)

Shatter Storm: Ice
Metacreativity [Cold]
Level: Psion 4
Display: Audible (see text)
Manifestation Time: One action
Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)
Effect: 10-foot-radius burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 7
Great psychic hailstones pound down for 1 full round, dealing 3d6 points of bludgeoning damage and 2d6 points of cold damage to every creature in the area. A -4 penalty applies to each Listen check made within the ice storm’s effect, and all land movement within its area is at half speed. At the end of the duration, the hail disappears, leaving no aftereffects (other than the damage dealt).

Augment: For every 3 additional power points you spend on this ability, the cold damage increases by +1d6.

Voicing Memories
Telepathy, Clairsentience (Ritual)
Level: Psion 5
Seed: Contact, Reveal
Manifesters required: 1
Manifestation time: 1 minute
Range: Close (25 ft+5 ft/2 lvls)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 1 minute/lvl (concentration)
Saving throw: Will partial (see text)
Power resistance: Yes (harmless)
Power points: 9

With the use of this ritual, you can access a living creature’s subconscious and wander through it’s memories. You need to be able to concentrate on the subject, which must be willing and standing still for the duration of the ritual. Anything that could distract you while the ritual takes place requires a concentration check. Failure means the ritual is disrupted.
As soon as you reach the target’s subconscious he must make a saving throw. If the save fails, you can sense his memories as you desire, focusing on the facts you want and rejecting to observe whatever you are not interested in. If the save succeeds, the target’s subconscious forms a protective barrier that prohibits you from wandering at your will in his mind. You are shown what his subconscious wants to show you instead.
XP cost: 10 per target’s hit die.

Metacreativity, Psychometabolism (Ritual) [Earth]
Level: Psion 4
Seed: Armor, Transform (combined)
Display: Visual (see text)
Manifesters required: 1
Manifestation Time: One minute
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level or until discharged
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Power Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Power Points: 7
The target’s outer skin takes on the sheen and strength of
iron. The target gains damage reduction 10/+5. (It ignores
the first 10 points of damage each time it takes damage,
though a weapon with a +5 enhancement bonus or any magical
attack bypasses the reduction.) Once the power has prevented
a total of 10 points of damage per manifester level
(maximum 130 points), it is discharged.
A side effect of the metal skin provides the target with fire
resistance 10.

XP cost: 150.

New Druid spells

Animate Snow
Transmutation [Cold]
Level: Druid 6
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft / level)
Target: Cube of snow up to 20 ft on a side
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Nearby snow rapidly draws together with an audible crunch, coalescing into a vaguely human-shaped form.
You cause snow in the area to become 1d3+2 Large animated objects, 1d3 Huge animated objects, or one Gargantuan animated object (MM 14). The animated snow attacks as directed by your vocal commands.
Animated snow does not have a hardness score. It possesses improved speed as if it had legs, granting it a speed of 30 feet, as well as the blind special ability (MM 13). In addition, each animated snow object has the cold subtype and deals an extra 1d6 points of cold damage on a successful hit.
Animated snow objects take 1d6 points of damage per round in a place where the temperature is above freezing.

Transmutation [Cold]
Level: Druid 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Long (400 ft + 40 ft / level)
Area: 100ft-radius / level spread
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Spell Resistance: No
          Immediately upon completion of this spell, the temperature drops to below freezing and a powerful storm

erupts in the area. Visibility is reduced to zero, making Spot, Search, and Listen checks and all ranged attacks impossible. Unprotected flames are automatically extinguished and protected flames have a 75% chance of being doused. Creatures unprotected from the cold must make a Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of nonlethal cold damage.
          One foot of new snow falls each round. Movement within the area is impeded, depending on the creature’s size and depth of snow (for movement in a snow field, see Frostburn page 12).

Brilliant Blade
Level: Druid 7
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25ft + 5ft / 2 levels)
Target: One melee or thrown weapon, or fifty projectiles (all of which must be in contact with each other at the time of casting)
Duration: 1 minute / level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)
          With a word, the indicated weapon glows with a soft blue-white halo that emits a low, slowly pulsating hum. The faint smell of ozone permeates the air.
          You transform a single melee weapon, natural weapon, thrown weapon, or group of projectiles into a weapon with the brilliant energy special ability (DMG 224). If this spell is cast on arrows or crossbow bolts, the effect on a particular projectile ends after one use, whether or not the missile strikes its intended target. Treat shuriken as arrows, rather than as thrown weapons, for the purpose of this spell.

Level: Druid 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25ft + 5ft / 2 levels)
Area: One stone structure or rock formation, up to 25 cubic ft / level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
          Gray bands extend from your fingertips, wrapping themselves around the wall like a brace, strengthening it for the coming assault.
          You reinforce a rock formation or stone structure. The earthfast spell doubles the structure’s hit points and increases its hardness to 10. This spell does not function on constructs.

Freeze Armor
Transmutation [Cold]
Level: Druid 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft / 2 levels)
Target: Metal equipment of one creature / level
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
          Freeze armor locks suits of metal armor and equipment into a layer of ice and extreme cold, immobilizing and damaging the armor’s wearers, Unattended, non-magical metal gets no saving throw. Enchanted metal is allowed a saving throw against the spell. An item in a creature’s possession uses the creature’s saving throw (unless its own is higher).
          A creature wearing metal armor that fails its save is frozen in place. The spell locks the armor’s joints and seams in inches of solid ice. The frozen creature takes the damage listed below. In addition, it suffers a -6 penalty on attack rolls, a -8 penalty to effective Dexterity, and can’t move. A frozen character who attempts to cast a spell must make a Concentration check (DC 15 + level of spell being cast) or lose the spell.
          A creature wearing metal armor that makes its save takes half the damage listed below.
          A creature not wearing metal armor that fails its save takes the damage listed below if its armor is affected or if it is holding, touching, wearing, or carrying metal weighing one-fifth of its weight. The creature takes minimum damage (1, 2, 3, or 4 points; see the table) each round if it is not wearing metal armor or the metal that it is carrying weighs less than one-fifth of the creature’s weight.
          A creature not wearing or carrying metal less than one-fifth of its weight that makes its save is entirely unaffected by freeze armor.
                    Round          Temperature          Cold Damage
                    1        Cold              1d6 points
                    2        Icy                2d6 points
                    3-5     Freezing                  3d6 points
                    6+      Lethal           4d6 points
          Any heat intense enough to damage the creature negates cold damage from the spell (and vice versa) on a point-for-point basis. For example, if the damage from a freeze armor spell indicates 5 points of cold damage and the creature plunges through a wall of fire in the same round and takes 8 points of fire damage, it winds up taking no cold damage and only 3 points of fire damage.

Frost Weapon
Level: Druid 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Area: Weapon touched
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object)
Spell Resistance: No
          You imbue a weapon with icy cold, granting it a power similar to the frost special ability. A frost weapon deals an extra 1d6 points of cold damage on a successful hit. If cast on a bow, crossbow, or sling, the spell bestows the cold energy upon the weapon’s ammunition. This ability stacks with the frost special ability, but not with itself. Material Component: A drop of water.

Giant’s Wrath
Transmutation [Earth]
Level: Druid 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: One pebble / 3 levels
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: None
          With your best giant’s shout you rattle some pebbles in your closed hand, completing the spell that will allow them to become boulders.
          You infuse a handful of stone pebbles with powerful transmutation magic. For the duration of the spell, you can hurl one pebble as an attack action that provokes attacks of opportunity. The instant the pebble leaves contact with your hand, its size and the force of your throw increase dramatically, as the pebble transforms into a boulder. The boulder has a range increment of 120 feet, and you must succeed on a ranged attack to strike a target with the boulder. If you hit the target, the boulder deals 2d6 points of bludgeoning damage + your Str modifier. You gain an insight bonus equal to your caster level on attack rolls and damage rolls (maximum +10) with these boulders.
          If you drop a pebble or give it to another creature, the pebbles’ magic dissipates harmlessly.
          Material Component: The pebbles to be transmuted.

Evocation [Electricity]
Level: Drd4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5ft./2 levels)
Target: Single iron or steel object weighing up to 10 lbs of metal/level
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes

Though none know the precise origins of kiss of the storm, most scholars associate its effects with storm hags. Indeed, many adventurers first encounter this spell when fighting those fell witches. With this spell, the druid makes a single piece of metal (often armor, though particularly threatening items of
magic are sometimes targeted as well) very attractive to lightning.
During a storm, it is practically a death warrant to be wearing a suit of armor enchanted with this primal spell.

If this spell is cast during a storm, the metal item so enchanted has a 25% chance per round of drawing a lightning bolt to it. This lightning inflicts 1d10 points of damage per level of the caster (maximum 10d10). After a bolt actually hits, there is no chance of the same target being hit again for 1d3 rounds.  After that, the chances of being hit by a lightning bolt begin again at 25%. This continues until the spell duration expires, or until the spell is dispelled. When a bolt of lightning hits, the character bearing the metal armor or object is permitted a Reflex save for half damage. Those within a 10 ft. radius of the point of impact must similarly save or take 1d10 damage (Reflex negates).
 Material Components: magnetized iron fillings are cast at, and adhere to, the metal object for the duration of the spell.

Magnetic Pulse
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Druid 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: 30-ft.-radius burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: No
          You call upon the powerful magnetic forces of the vast lodes of metal hidden deep within the mountains to focus on a specific point in range. All unattended ferrous metallic objects that weigh less than 10 pounds per caster level are immediately hurled in a random direction to a point just beyond the area of the spell's burst. All creatures in the area take 5d6 points of damage. Alternatively, you can direct the spell inward, and all unattended ferrous metallic objects are hurled toward the center of the area; this inflicts 3d6 points of damage to all of the objects and to all creatures in the area . A successful Reflex saving throw negates the damage done by either type of magnetic pulse.
          Attended ferrous metal objects are affected differently by this spell. Fairly small ferrous metal objects worn on the body (such as jewelry) are whisked off the creature's body unless he makes a Reflex save. Most jewelry pieces (especially magic items), however, are not made of ferrous metal. Characters in ferrous metal armor (which is most metal armor) are subjected to a trip attack made by a Large creature with an effective Strength of 22 (the bonus on the trip attack is +4 for size and +6 for Strength for a total bonus of +10). Similarly, the spell makes a disarm attack (using your base attack bonus + 6 for the spell's effective Strength) against any ferrous weapons or objects held in an affected creature's hands. Creatures made primarily of ferrous metal (such as iron golems) are subjected to a bull rush attack from a Large creature. The effective Strength is 22 (+4 size and +6 Strength for +10 bonus on the check) in the direction of the pulse.
          If this spell is cast in mountainous terrain, the area is doubled to a 60-foot-radius burst, and the pulse's effective Strength score increases to 30 (+10 Strength bonus).
          Material Component: A lodestone.

Segojan's Armor
Level: Druid 1
Components: V, S, M, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Effect: One suit of armor for a Medium or smaller creature
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
          You fabricate a suit of armor from natural materials that is suitable for a creature of Medium or smaller size (you determine the armor's size at the time of casting, and it cannot change after that). The armor is equivalent to leather except that it grants a +4 armor bonus. That is, it has a maximum Dexterity bonus of +6, an armor check penalty of 0, and an arcane spell failure chance of 10%. It weighs as much as leather armor of similar size weighs (for example, 15 pounds if the armor is made for a Medium creature). The armor has a trace amount of metal in it (see material components section); however a druid can wear it without penalty.Material Component: A handful of grass, a handful of roots, and a pinch of powdered iron.

Transmutation [Earth]
Level: Druid 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft / level)
Target: One Tiny or smaller object / level
Duration: 10 minutes / level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object)
Spell Resistance: No
          This spell grants the resilience of stone to weaker objects. You may affect one Tiny or smaller object, or an equivalent number of larger objects per caster level. A Small object counts as 2 Tiny objects, a Medium object counts as 4, a Large object counts as 8, a Huge object counts as 16, a Gargantuan object counts as 32, and a Colossal object counts as 64. The hardness of an object affected by this spell becomes 8, and it has 15 hit points per inch of thickness. If the object to be affected has greater hardness or more hit points, use the better value. The DC to break the object increase by +5 unless the object did not increase the object’s hardness. The surface of an affected object takes on a faint, dull-gray tint, but its appearance does not otherwise change.
          Material Component: A small amount of powdered marble.

Titan’s forge
Transmutation [Fire]
Level: Clr4, Pal4
Components: V, S, F, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: One medium or large sword.
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Special
Spell Resistance: No

Although Golthaggen is perhaps best known as “The Raging Giant” among adventurers, common folk revere the Titan for more than his fierce warrior aspect — Golthaggen is the smith Titan, as well, the patron of all who work the forge. With this spell, a druid of the Forge Titan is able to recall the intense, white-hot heat used to originally forge the sword he holds. The blade begins to glow with heat and the air around the metal shimmers in the intense temperature. Strikes from this blade melt metal, sear cloth and fur and leave horrific cauterized wounds.

Though the blade becomes forge-hot, it retains all of its tempered strength. A blade enchanted with this spell inflicts +1d10 damage when applied to a living being. When the weapon is used to damage a weapon or other inanimate object, the searing effect of the spell allows the weapon to ignore the first 10 points of hardness (when used in this way, the blade does not inflict the additional 1d10 damage). Magical weapons, however, are permitted their standard saving throws. A successful Fortitude roll (DC of weapon damage rolled) by the item negates the special ability of the weapon to ignore hardness; resolve hits as per normal for the weapon.
Material Components: The focus for this spell is the sword to be enchanted.