Monolith from beyond time

Monolith from beyond time

Monday, November 22, 2010

Aberrant dragonmarks

Aberrant dragonmark [General]
Although you are not a recognized member of one of the dragonmarked families, you have manifested a dragonmark. Aberrant dragonmarks are mutations that appear occasionally among the dragonmarked races (usually to those not of a dragonmarked house) that can be traced back to the blood lines of corrupted dragonmarked families eliminated in the War of the Mark. At a quick glance, an aberrant mark could be mistaken for an established dragonmark, but on close inspection its differences are readily apparent.

Prerequisite: Dragonmarked race (human, dwarf, elf, gnome, halfling, half-elf, or half-orc).
Benefit: This feat provides you with a single dragonmark spell-like ability that is not directly tied to the trueborn dragonmarked houses. All aberrant mark spell-like abilities can be used once per day.
When you select this feat, you must choose an aberrant dragonmark spelllike ability from the following list. A character with one of the true dragonmarks (least, lesser, or greater) cannot select this feat, and a character with this feat cannot later select one of the true dragonmark feats.
A saving throw against your aberrant dragonmark spell-like ability has a DC of 10 + spell level + your Cha modifier. (Spell level for an aberrant dragonmark ability is always 1st.)
Your caster level for your aberrant dragonmark spell-like ability is one-half your character level.
Aberrant Mark Powers: burning hands, cause fear, charm person, chill touch, detect secret doors, feather fall, inflict light wounds, jump, light, pass without trace, produce flame, shield, Tenser’s floating disk.

Your aberrant dragonmark increases in size and becomes more powerful.
Prerequisite: Aberrant Dragonmark, 9 ranks in any two skills.
Benefit: You gain a lesser aberrant dragonmark and the use of one spell-like ability selected from the following list: bestow curse 1/day, contagion 1/day, darkvision
2/day, death knell 2/day, false life 2/day, poison 1/day, rage 1/day, scare 2/day, scorching ray 2/day, sleet storm 1/day, suggestion 1/day, summon swarm 2/day, touch of idiocy 2/day, or vampiric touch 1/day.
In addition, you can use your base aberrant dragonmark spell-like abilities one additional time per day. A saving throw against one of your aberrant dragonmark
spell-like abilities has a DC of 10 + the level of the spell + your Cha modifier.
The caster level for your aberrant dragonmark spell-like abilities is equal to 3 + one-half your character level.
Special: After you use the spell-like ability granted by your lesser aberrant dragonmark, you must succeed on a DC 10 Fortitude save or be dazed for 1 round.


As it increases in power, your aberrant dragonmark expands to cover much of your body.
Prerequisite: Lesser Aberrant Dragonmark, 12
ranks in any two skills.
Benefit: You gain a greater aberrant dragonmark
and the use of one spell-like ability selected from the
following list: cloudkill 1/day, cone of cold 1/day, confusion 2/day, dominate person 1/day, enervation 2/day, fear 2/day, feeblemind 1/day, fire shield 2/day, flame strike 1/day, insect plague 1/day, mass infl ict light wounds 1/day, phantasmal killer 2/day, or slay living 1/day.
In addition, you can use your base aberrant dragonmark and lesser aberrant dragonmark spell-like abilities one additional time per day.
A saving throw against one of your aberrant dragonmark spell-like abilities has a DC of 10 + the level of the spell + your Cha modifier. The caster level for your aberrant dragonmark spell-like abilities is equal to 5 + one-half your character level.
Special: After you use any spell-like ability grantedby your greater aberrant dragonmark, you must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or be dazed for 1 round.


  1. Χμ, έχω πολλές καλές ιδέες για το τι μπορώ να κάνω με το dragonmark, πάω να δω λίγο και τα spell-like abilities που έχει το σκέτο aberrant dragonmark και θα προσπαθήσω να μαζέψω με τα κατάλληλα skill points τα ranks για να πάρω τα lesser και greater, όταν ξαναπάρω feat. (δεν είναι λίγο άδικο όμως να ζει κάποιος 700 χρόνια και να παίρνει τόσο λίγα feats (1ανά4lv)???!!!)

  2. Αυτό δε σημαίνει ότι θα παίρνεις πιο συχνά τεχνικές, αλλά ότι έχεις μεγαλύτερες πιθανότητες να αποκτήσεις συνολικά περισσότερες τεχνικές από κάποιον που θα ζήσει λιγότερο.

  3. Ελπίζω να μην θες να εννοείσεις ότι ένας αυτιάς φτάνει σε αστρονομικά level σε αντίθεση με έναν άνθρωπο...!! Γιατί ok αν βάλουμε στόχο να φτάσουμε όσοι είμαστε ξωτικά στα 100 level, κάτι αιώνες αφού όλοι οι υπόλοιποι από το party θα έχουν πεθάνει, στο τέλος θα είναι βλακεία. Καλύτερα 10 και τώρα, παρά 15 και σε οκτώ χρόνια (χρόνος=χρήμα για τους λεφτάδες...αλλά αυτό είναι λίγο άκυρο στη συζήτηση, γιατί τελικά μεγαλύτερη αξία έχει να παίζουμε περισσότερη ώρα D&D. Αλλά anyway είναι ρητό και αξίζει να το αναφέρουμε, γιατί έχει μια βάση! Και το αναφέρω, γιατί χρήμα δεν είναι αναγκαστικά τα λεφτά... Απλά προσπαθώ να βρω τρόπο να μην σου κακοπέσει που περιέχει τα χρήματα που τόσο πολύ δεν σου αρέσουν...καλά και τώρα παρατηρώ ότι πάλι πάω να γράψω έκθεση!! Sorry που σε έβαλα στη διαδικασία να το διαβάσεις!)
