Monolith from beyond time

Monolith from beyond time

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Frenzied Berserker

The random madness of the thunderstorm and the unpredictability of the slaadi come together in the soul of the frenzied berserker. Unlike most other characters, she does not fight to achieve some heroic goal or defeat a loathsome villain . Those are mere excuses-it is the thrill of combat that draws her. For the frenzied barbarian,
the insanity of battle is much like an addictive drug-she must constantly seek out more conflict to feed her craving for battle . Along the wild borderlands and in the evil kingdoms of the world, frenzied berserkers often lead warbands that include a variety ofcharacter types-and even other frenzied berserkers. Some such groups turn to banditry and brigandage; others serve as specialized mercenaries . Whatever their origin, such warbands naturally gravitate toward situations ofinstability and conflict, because wars and civil strife are their bread and butter. Indeed, thecoming of a frenzied berserker is the most obvious herald of troubled times. The frenzied berserker's path is unsuited for most adventurers- a fact for which the peace-lovers of the world can be thankful. Because of their traditional love for battle, orc and half-orc barbarians are the ones who most frequently adopt this prestige class, though human and dwarvenbarbarians also find it appealing. It might seem that elves would be good candidates because of their chaotic nature, but the elven aesthetic and love of grace are at odds with the frenzied berserker's devaluation of the self. Spellcasting characters and monks almost never become frenzied berserkers.
Hit Die: d12.
To become a frenzied berserker, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Alignment: Any nonlawful .
Base Attack Bonus: +6.
Feats: Cleave, Destructive Rage, Intimidating Rage, Power Attack .

Class Skills
The frenzied berserker's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Ride (Dex), and Swim (Str). See Chapter 4 of the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Class Features
The following are class features of the frenzied berserker prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Frenzied berserkers gain no weapon or armor proficiencies .
Frenzy (Ex): Beginning at 1st level, the frenzied berserker can enter a frenzy during combat. While frenzied, she gains a +6 bonus to Strength and a single extra attack each round at her highest bonus. (This latter effect is not cumulative with haste.)However, she also suffers a -4 penalty to AC and takes 2 points of subdual damage per round. A frenzy lasts for a number ofrounds equal to 3 + the frenzied berserker's Constitution modifier.To end the frenzy before its duration expires, the character may attempt a Will save (DC 20) once per round as a free action . Success ends the frenzy immediately; failure means it continues . The effects offrenzy stack with those from rage.
At 1st level, the character can enter a frenzy once per day. Thereafter, she gains one additional use per day of this ability for every two frenzied berserker levels she acquires. The character can enter a frenzy as a free action. Even though this takes no time, she can do it only during her action, not in response to another's action. In addition, if she suffers damage from an attack, spell, trap, or any other source, she automatically enters a frenzy at the start of her next action, as long as she still has at least one daily usage of the ability left. To avoid entering a frenzy in response to damage, the character must make a successful Will save (DC 10 + points of damage suffered since her last action) at the start of her next action .While frenzied, the character cannot use skills or abilities that require patience or concentration (such as
Move Silently), nor can she cast spells, drink potions, activate magic items, or read scrolls. She can use any feat she has except Expertise, item creation feats, metamagic
feats, and Skill Focus in a skill that requires patience or concentration. She can, however, use her special ability to inspire frenzy (see below) normally. During a frenzy, the frenzied berserker must attack those she perceives as foes to the best of her ability. Should she run out of enemies before her frenzy expires, her rampage continues. She must then attack the nearest creature (determine randomly if several potential foes are equidistant) and fight that opponent without regard to friendship, innocence, or health (the target's or her own). When a frenzy ends, the frenzied berserker is fatigued (-2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity, unable to charge or run) for the duration of the encounter, or until she enters another frenzy, whichever comes first. At loth level, she is no longer fatigued after a frenzy, though she still suffers the subdual damage for each round it lasts. Starting at 8th level, the character's frenzy bonus to Strength becomes +10 instead of +6 .
Remain Conscious: The frenzied berserker gains Remain Conscious as a bonus feat .
Supreme Cleave : At 2nd level, the frenzied berserker can take a 5-foot step between attacks when using the Cleave or Great Cleave feat . She is still limited to one such adjustment per round, so she cannot use this ability during a round in which she has already taken a 5- foot step.
Deathless Frenzy (Ex): At 4th level, the frenzied berserker can scorn death and unconsciousness while in a frenzy. Should her hit points to fall to 0 or below because
of hit point loss, she continues to fight normally until her frenzy ends. At that point, the effects of her wounds apply normally. This ability does not prevent death from spell effects such as slay living or disintegrate .

Improved Power Attack : Beginning at 5th level, the frenzied berserker gains a +3 bonus on her melee damage rolls for every -2 penalty she takes on her melee attack rolls when using the Power Attack feat.
Inspire Frenzy (Su) : Beginning at 6th level, the frenzied berserker can inspire frenzy in her allies while she herself is frenzied . When she uses this ability, all allies within 10 feet of her gain the benefits and the disadvantages of frenzy as if they had that ability themselves. Those who do not wish to be affected can make a Will save (DC 10 + frenzied berserker level + frenzied berserker's Charisma modifier) to resist the effect . The frenzy of affected allies lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the frenzied berserker's Constitution modifier, regardless of whether they remain within 10 feet of her. The frenzied berserker gains one additional use of this ability per day for every two additional frenzied berserker levels she acquires, though the ability is still usable only once per encounter.
Supreme Power Attack : At loth level, the frenzied berserker gains a +2 bonus on her melee damage rolls for every -1 penalty she takes on her melee attack rolls when using the Power Attack feat. This effect does not stack with that of improved Power Attack.

Level 1 st
Base Attack Bonus +1
Fort Save +2
Ref Save +0
Will Save +0
Special Frenzy 1 /day, Remain Conscious

2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Supreme cleave
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Frenzy 2/day
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Deathless frenzy
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Frenzy 3/day, improved power attack
6th +6 +5 +2 +2 Inspire frenzy 1 /day
7th +7 +5 +2 +2 Frenzy 4/day
8th +8 +6 +2 +2 Greater frenzy, inspire frenzy 2/day
9th +9 +6 +3 +3 Frenzy 5/day
10th +10 +7 +3 +3 Inspire frenzy 3/day, no longer winded after frenzy, supreme
power attack

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