Monolith from beyond time

Monolith from beyond time

Friday, January 21, 2011


You can use your Knowledge (the planes) skill to interpret
your dreams or the dreams of others, thus gleaning useful
information and insights.

Benefit: You can interpret the basic symbolism

of a dream to figure out what sorts of concerns
or fears are likely to have inspired it.
Knowledge (the planes)
Dream Being Interpreted . . . DC
Features obvious symbolism 10
Involves cultural details or concepts 15
with which you are not very familiar
Represents memories of past events 20
with which you are not familiar
Both the previous conditions are true 25

Attempting to garner insight into future events, or events
occurring elsewhere, by reading the prophetic images of a
dream adds +10 to +20 to the base DC, depending on how
obscure the omens are.
The DM must decide if a dream contains prophetic imagery;
a suffi ciently high roll might glean some information
even if the dream was not overtly oracular. Making the DC
required to interpret a dream grants information comparable
to an augury spell (see page 202 of the Player’s Handbook).
Exceeding the required check by 10 or more offers information
comparable to a divination spell (see page 224 of the
Player’s Handbook). Exceeding the required check by 20 or
more offers information comparable to a commune spell (see
page 211 of the Player’s Handbook).
Even if your result was not high enough to enable you
to read prophetic images, the result might be sufficient to
interpret basic symbols and events. Thus, a check result of
18 is insuffi cient to foretell the future but still grants some
information about cultural details or concepts.
You can use this feat to determine what effect injuries
received in a dreamscape are likely to have on you once
you return (DC 15), or whether an item or location was
created by the dreamer or brought in from outside (DC
20); see Chapter 3 for information on adventuring within
Finally, this feat allows Knowledge (the planes) to function
in place of Survival when used within a dreamscape.
This skill can be used to retrace your steps and return to
a known person’s dream, or to attempt to track a creature
across the dreamscape.
Action: Dreamtelling requires careful analysis of bizarre
images and events. If you are trying to interpret your own
dream, you must cogitate on it for a number of minutes equal
to 30 minus your Intelligence modifi er. If you wish to analyze
someone else’s dream, that person must fi rst describe it
to you in great detail, adding an additional 10+1d10 minutes
to the process.
Try Again: No. The check represents your ability to
interpret that particular dream. You can attempt to interpret
other dreams the same individual has later, but you
get only one attempt per dream. Similarly, you have only
one attempt to determine whether an item is native to a
particular dream.
Special: Most campaigns are not set up to interact with
the dream world. Hence, this feat is only available if the
DM specifi cally states that he or she has decided to allow
it in his or her campaign.

1 comment:

  1. Άρα ο Dm (όχι "Ρε μινόρε", "Dungeon master", αν το μπέρδεψε κανείς όπως εγώ, που το έχω πάθει 5-6 φορές μέχρι στιγής) αποδέχεται το feat και προφανώς απευθύνεται σε Papajim ή Άρτεμις που έχουν διάφορα knowledge, αν και νομίζω πως η Άρτε έχει καλύτερο Knowledge (the planes).
    Πάντως δηλώνω ότι αν έφτιαχνα καινούριο παίκτη τώρα θα έπαιρνα bard που θα ήταν πολύ πολύ psycho και θα είχε πολλά ranks σε perform (string instrument) και knowledge (the planes).... Όχι πως σας νοιάζει και πολύ απλά έπρεπε να το βγάλω!!
