Monolith from beyond time

Monolith from beyond time

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Εγώ σας το'πα ότι θα έγραφα για τον Garyx! (Και όχι Αντώνη, το όνομα δεν μας θυμίζει ούτε τον Αστερίξ, ούτε τον Πανοραμίξ (αν και είναι δρυΐδης), γιατί προφέρεται Γκάρυξ και όχι Γκαρύξ.

Firelord, All-Destroyer, Cleanser of Worlds
Lesser Deity
Symbol: Reptilian eye superimposed
over a fl ame
Home Plane: Pandemonium
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Portfolio: Fire, destruction, renewal
Worshipers: Dragons, sorcerers, warlords, some
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NE, CE
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Dragon*, Evil,
Fire [Renewal]
Favored Weapon: Sickle (claw)

Garyx the All-Destroyer symbolizes the sheer power and destructive force of dragonkind. Some argue that Garyx is actually insane, as a result of his long residence on the Windswept Depths of Pandemonium. He appears much like a great wyrm red dragon.

Garyx teaches by example, periodically traveling to the Material Plane to wreak
unholy swaths of destruction across the landscape. Those who revere follow the example, using their power
to bring ruin and devastation.

Garyx pays little or no attention to his clerics and worshipers, but they do not care. They believe that he grants them the power to perform acts of destruction, and that is enough. Perhaps curiously, some druids also revere the renewal aspect of Garyx, knowing that some devastation is always necessary for rejuvenation. Garyx shares traits in common with Kord and Erythnul, but has no interest in alliances.

Wars, battles, and campaigns of destruction are common quests for worshipers of Garyx.

When lighting a fi re, a worshiper of Garyx murmurs a benison such as “Grant me the power to destroy.”

Few temples to Garyx have been found, though his worshipers often carve his symbol near their handiwork.

Garyx’s clerics conduct a variety of rites connected to the seasons. At the winter solstice, they celebrate All-Consuming Night, when they keep a large bonfi re lit and followers bring a variety of fl ammable items to be destroyed. At the spring equinox, they hold a Sanctifi cation of Renewal in which the ashes at the site of the All-Consuming Night bonfi re are sifted and examined. Any useful remains are taken to be reused. For instance, bits of metal are taken to be reforged into swords, armor, or other useful tools of destruction. Any seedlings that might have taken root in the area are nurtured.

Herald and Allies
The herald Garyx sends most often is a mature adult red dragon. His allies include chaotic dragonblood creatures of all kinds and fire elementals of all sizes.


  1. Oradon είπε...

    Αποδεκτός ο θεός αλλά διέγραψε το σημείο που λέει πως έρχεται στη material plane. Στη Γαία οι θεοί δεν μπορούν να επιστρέψουν στη material plane.

  2. Oradon είπε...

    Επιπλέον, και για να μην γίνουν παρεξηγήσεις, πέραν αυτών των στανταρ γνώσεων για το θεό, έχω το ελεύθερο να προσθέσω άλλα στοιχεία στην ιστορία του (μάχες, πως έγινε θεός, κρυφά σχέδια κλπ).

  3. Yannis είπε...

    Δεν ξέρω τι μου λες, κατευθείαν από τα βιβλία του D&D είναι... (Copy - Paste)

  4. Biller25 είπε...

    Κάποιος βαριέται...
    Αντώνη, φτιάξε ιστορία γύρω από αυτόν τον θεό και μάχες και απ' όλα, αλλά....σε παρακαλώ πάρα πολύ....μην πολεμίσουμε το δεξί του χέρι ή τη φωνή του...!!! Ευχαριστώ που συμφωνείς!!! :D :D
